"Make Me a Match" by Diana Holquist

Make Me a Match
This is a shameless plug. My 2nd cousin twice removed (or some such thing) wrote this book and I just found out it was released this month. It is absolutely Chick Lit and so far quite cute...... The basic premise is that while hosting her engagement party to a busy Baltimore lawyer, our main Chick (Cecelia) finds herself also hosting her gypsy, slightly psychic sister, Amy. Amy's psychic ability is that she can hear the name of an individual's One True Love. And she is certain that her sister isn't marrying him.
I admit to not not being quite done - though I read the first half last night. But thus far, I love the idea, the voice and the humor peppered throughout this novel. It won't set you back much - straight to small paperback. So go ahead and grab a copy and support the family....
UPDATE.... I finished this book last week in another mini-marathon reading session and I thought it was quite consistent throughout. Love stories aren't always happy - certainly in real life there are obstacles and the ones encountered here can certainly put your own love life into perspective. This book has exactly what you expect from a good romance. .. and I won't say anything more than that ;) Oh, I forgot, we are calling the modern romance novels of our generation Chick Lit! Heck - works for me :) Great Chick Lit, then!
Wow, Antigone,
I can't believe you read my book--and then blogged about it! I'm honored.
(not that I obsessively check who's blogging about my book...only every day or so...)
I"m pretty sure we're second cousins--you're my dad's aunt's kid's kid...right?
Glad you liked the book. The next one will be out next fall...
Hope to talk to you soon--
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